Setting the Record Straight on “Gaudete”

After spending the past two days researching the Christmas carol "Gaudete," two things are clear: 1) This is a really popular carol, and 2) Everyone thinks it's medieval. Well, I Kathryn of Jersey, First of My Name, Mother of Hound Dogs, Burster of Bubbles, am here to disappoint you. "Gaudete" is solidly Early Modern. Many... Continue Reading →

Notre Dame’s Musical Patrimony

As a medievalist, watching the fire at Notre Dame was gutting. I'm incredibly relieved that the damage was not worse. The remaining original 13th century glass survives! We all know about the cathedral's importance as an architectural marvel, but you might not know about its importance in music history. It holds a very special place.... Continue Reading →

Medieval Metal: An Introduction

While I wait to have a good idea for a new Music 101 post—and remember, ask me your questions about music and I'll answer them!—it seems a good time to start getting into some of the preliminary research I'm doing for my dissertation. I'm in the proposal stage, so what I'm doing now is reviewing... Continue Reading →

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