Setting the Record Straight on “Gaudete”

After spending the past two days researching the Christmas carol "Gaudete," two things are clear: 1) This is a really popular carol, and 2) Everyone thinks it's medieval. Well, I Kathryn of Jersey, First of My Name, Mother of Hound Dogs, Burster of Bubbles, am here to disappoint you. "Gaudete" is solidly Early Modern. Many... Continue Reading →

Song Stories: “Da Ya Think I’m Sexy?”

I wanted to work on something relevant to my dissertation, but somehow I've gotten sidetracked by Revolting Cocks. So let's just go where the monkey mind wants us to go and start a new series: song stories! Many classic songs have some interesting cross-sections. Today's is a simple one. We all know the Rod Stewart... Continue Reading →

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