“Where are the great black guitarists?” (Part 2: Here they are!)

When I started my last post, "Where are the great black guitarists?" I kinda thought it would go, "What, are you dumb? Look at all these black guitarists!" But 2000 words later, it had become...more. So I decided to separate into two halves, one ideological and historical, the other "check out all this majesty." If... Continue Reading →

“Where are the great black guitarists?” (Part 1)

I sliced a fingertip open earlier tonight, so please forgive any egregious typos I miss. Trying to shift and hit punctuation when you can't feel the keyboard with that finger is...interesting. (Looking for Part 2?) Since it's Black History Month, I want to take a break from my dissertation research (which is so overwhelmingly white).... Continue Reading →

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